Designation: Epsilon-Mu 35
Name: Vectis
Rank: Skitarius Tribune
Gender: Male
Height: Almost 6'
Build: Grizzled, with Augmetics
Eyes: Bionic
Hair: Shaven
Skin: Heavily scarred, when seen.
Career: Arch-Militant
Origin: Forge World
Birthright: Stubjack (with Sebastian York)
Lure of the Void: Duty Bound - Duty to Humanity (with Sebastian York)
Trials and Travails: Press-ganged – Machine Resurrection (by Lupus Havelock)
Motivation: Exhilaration - The Thrill of War (with Orthesian and Crimson)
Connections: Good relations with the Tech-Adepts of Lathe. His contacts allowed the opening of negotiations that eventually led to the refurbishment of the Cleansing Light, in exchange for a slice of profits going to the Mechanicus.
Public Reputation: Skitarii are renowned as emotionless killing machines, and Epsilon-Mu 35 is no exception. More efficient than a guardsman, more detached than an Astartes, the hooded and armoured man that most see is the relentless fist of Lord-Captain York’s displeasure.
Shipboard Reputation: It’s common knowledge that Vectis is searching for something but very few realise what it is. Outside of the officers few crew are glad of his dour presence, with only the proctors and gunnery chiefs normally willing to spend time with him.
Born and bred on the Forgeworld of Lathe, Vectis was identified as a suitable recruit to the Skitarii by Mechanicus testing during his early schooling. His training proceeded apace and he was given the normal implants and upgrades necessary to join the Adeptus Mechanicus’ private army.
Vectis was attached to the Epsilon-Mu platoon, 3rd squad. This was the personal bodyguard of a Magos who roamed the Calixis sector, politicking with the noble families and other Adepti on behalf of the Mechanicus.
It was on the Chartist vessel Misericord that he first encountered Sebastian York. As a favour, Epsilon-Mu 35 was leant out as a guard to the young nobleman for the duration of the voyage.
They spent some weeks together and foiled an assassination attempt on the Magos by a political rival, eventually hunting the perpatrator down in the bowels of the vast spacegoing city. The Magos was impressed, and gave Sebastian the extended services of Vectis.
Years of dedicated wandering followed. Hunting bounties and doing favours for the mechanicum kept them one step and payment ahead of debt collectors and assorted enemies. Ahead of them, that is, until one day. In pursuit of a bounty that turned into a trap, Epsilon-Mu 35 was shot down irretrievably, and Sebastien had to leave him.
The local Governor was prosecuting a war and conscripting anyone relevant. Vectis body was dragged into a surgery where Lupus Havelock rebuilt him as a shock trooper.
As he was returned again and again to the operating table by his position in the front lines, Lupus and Vectis grew to know each other. They planned an escape where their skills wojuld complement each other and allow a whole platoon to make their way off planet and rendezvous with a smuggling vessel to escape the system entirely.
The ship they reached was the one now being commanded by Crimson and Orthesian after its misfortune en route. Luckily, the journey to Port Wander was much easier and the various escaped conscripts, well-paid crew and assortment of officers debarked the vessel. At more-or-less the same time a somewhat damaged Cleansing Light was arriving and sheer chance meant that Sebasten and Vectis met again. Between them, they managed to assemble a bridge crew and arrange for the necessary repairs to the Cleansing Light to allow it to be re-commissioned and launched to shoot the Maw.
For years Vectis was taught that emotions and normal human reactions are mere affectations, a hindrance to the insight of the Omnissiah. He has always tried to live by this creed, even while in the company of such emotionful and exciting personalities as Sebastien and Cymbry. His faith in the Mechanicus was enough to support him.
Recently, that faith has been shaken. Blessed by a cybernetic resurrection and brought closer to the Omnissiah's grace, Vectis was shocked to realise that his saviour was no Magos and merely a Heretek. If the blessings of the Omnissiah could be given to one of his followers by someone like that, did that mean that the teachings regarding Hereteks's were wrong? If those teachings were wrong, what of the rest of his faith? Would he be excommunicated for his doubts, and his upgrades removed?
Only one thing blocks out the echoing doubts in his head, and that is the deafening sounds of combat. The zap, crack and buzz of lasbolts and projectiles focusses his mind intensely and he can find peace.
He searches for two things: wars to smother his doubts or some sign from the Omnissiah to put them to rest, permanently. If he ever finds the second, perhaps he can return to Lathe without worry.
Weapon Skill: 30 Ballistic Skill: 61 Strength: 43 Toughness: 50 Agility: 52 Intelligence: 41 Perception: 36 Willpower: 30 Fellowship: 22
Fate: 3 Wounds: 15 Corruption: 0 Insanity: 6 Profit Factor: -1
General Skills: Awareness, Dodge, Drive - Ground Vehicle, Intimidate (+10), Literacy, Medicae, Tech-Use
Languages: Secret Tongue – Military, Rogue Trader; Speak Language - Low Gothic, Techna-Lingua
Lores: Common Lore - Tech, War; Forbidden Lore - Pirates; Scholastic Lore - Tactica Imperialis (+20)
Talents: Ambidextrous, Autosanguine, Binary Chatter, Bloodtracker, Chem Geld, Concealed Cavity, Disturbing Voice, Electro-graft use, Heightened Senses (Hearing, Sight), Infused Knowledge, Mimic, Nerves of Steel, Physical Perfection x1, Prosangine, Quickdraw, Rapid Reaction, Sound Constitution x1, Technical Knock, Two-weapon Wielder (Ballistic)
Weapon Proficiencies: Basic (Universal), Melee (Primitive, Universal), Pistol (Universal)
Special Abilities & Modifiers
Ambidextrous: Ignore -20 penalty for use of off-hand.
Autosanguine: Heal 2 wounds/day. Only ever lightly wounded.
Binary Chatter: +10 communcations with Servitors. +1 Crew Morale.
Bloodtracker: +100 Objectives Points when handing in a bounty.
Chem Geld: Immune to seduction, resistant to Charm.
Concealed Cavity: Able to hold a small item.
Disturbing Voice: +10 Interrogation and Intimidation, -10 Fel with easily disturbed.
Electro-graft Use: +10 Inquiry, Tech-Use an Comon Lore when tapped in.
Heightened Senses (Hearing, Sight): +10 Perception on hearing and sight checks.
Infused Knowledge: All Common and Scholarly Knowledges are basic and get +10.
Jealous Freedom: WP check to avoid violent reaction to imprisonment.
Machine Resurrection: Bionic Arms, Bionic Eye Implants, Cybernetic Respirator [No game effect]
Mimic: May copy voices and sounds.
Nerves of Steel: Re-roll any failed test to avoid pinning.
Physical Perfection 1: Gain Machine trait. May be healed with Tech-use -20
Prosanguine: May heal 1d5 wounds by meditating for 10 minutes.
Quick Draw: Ready Weapon is a free action.
Rapid Reaction: Roll Agility to avoid surprise.
Stranger to the Cult: -5 Fellowship in rolls v Ecclesiarchy. -10 on Common Lore – Imperial Creed.
Technical Knock: May unjam a gun as a half action.
Two-weapon wielder (Ballistic): May attack twice using two Pistol weapons.
Weapons Master (Basic): Gain the following bonuses when using a Basic weapon: +10 to hit, +2 damage, +2 initiative.
XP Spent: 10,550