Lucius Hal, known as Torque to some, is the son of Tanda Hal, better known as Blur. He has no idea who his father was, he’s a Battleship brat, born to the fleet and to Imperial service. His mother is a famous voidfighter pilot, with scores of kills to her name against all kinds of enemy.
He inherited her skills behind a stick, skilled with all manner of small craft, but he never wanted to sign up for military service, he wanted to make a name for himself as a racer, make plenty of money and live fast and furious.
Fleeing the Navy
He jumped ship as soon as he was able, sneaking onto a supply ship and getting away off-world. Unfortunately for him, they’d sent out “recruiters” for the fleet as well, and he was picked up as a likely asset for the navy, without them even knowing who he was.
Pressed into Service
Once his skills came to light, he was pressed into military service, where it quickly became apparent that he was a born leader, and he was placed in charge of a voidfighter squadron, which was to make many kills in the upcoming crusade against the Eldar, but also take few losses compared to other squadrons.
More than once, he ended up on the operating table of Lupus Havelock, getting patched back together.
Missing in Action
He was never satisfied with his military career, no matter how well he did or how many honours he won. When the opportunity arose, after the devastating loss of the rest of his squadron, he ran, leaving the navy to assume his death, finding being recorded as “missing in action” preferable to more years of Imperial service.
The Cleansing Light
Weapon Skill: 42 (37) Ballistic Skill: 56 (46) Strength: 33
Toughness: 45 (35) Agility: 54 (44) Intelligence: 36
Perception: 40 (35) Willpower: 52 (42) Fellowship: 50 (40)
Fate: 3 Wounds: 14 Corruption: 2 Insanity: 11
Skills and Talents
General Skills: Awareness (+20), Carouse, Charm (+10), Command (+20), Deceive, Demolition, Dodge (+10), Drive - Ground Vehicles (+10) / Skimmer/Hover, Gamble, Intimidate, Literacy, Navigation - Stellar, Pilot - Flyers (+20) / Spacecraft (+20) / Personal (+10), Scrutiny, Survival, Tech Use, Trade (Voidfarer)
Languages: Secret Tongue - Military / Rogue Trader / Underdecks, Speak Language - Low Gothic / Battlefleet War Cant / High Gothic
Lores: Common Lore - Imperial Navy (+10) / Koronus Expanse / Tech / War, Scholastic Lore - Astromancy / Tactica Imperialis, Forbidden Lore - Pirates / Xenos
Talents: Air of Authority, Best of the Best, Decadence, Die Hard, Double Team, Hardy, Hatred - Eldar / Pirates, Hip Shooting, Hotshot Pilot, Jaded, Marksman, Nerves of Steel, Paranoia, Peer - Military / Imperial Navy, Rapid Reload, Quick Draw, Sound Constitution x 5, Talented - Command / Gamble / Pilot (Space Craft), True Grit
Weapon Proficiencies: Melee - Universal, Pistols - Universal
Special Abilities and Modifiers
Best of the Best: Win draws when Piloting or when involved with Imperial Navy
Decadence: Double rounds of drinking before falling unconscious
Die Hard: Can re-roll when bleeding out
Hardy: Always treated as Lightly Wounded for treating damage
Hatred: +10 WS bonus when in close combat with relevant group.
Hip Shooting: Fire a single shot while doing Full Move
Hotshot Pilot: +10 to all trained Pilot Skills, all untrained as Basic
Marksman: Fire at targets without range penalties
Nerves of Steel: re-roll failed WP tests to avoid or recover from pinning.
Paranoia: +2 to Initiative rolls
Peer: +10 Fel bonus when dealing with relevant group.
Talented: +10 to relevant skill.
Weapons: Power Sword, Bolt Pistol, Eldar Huskblade (Best-Quality Monosword)
Armour: Guard Flak (4, all locations) / Void Suit
Gear: Micro-bead, Void Suit, Blessed Ship Token, Re-breather, Imperial Navy Uniform, Bottle of Amasec x2, Pict-Recorder, Vox-caster, Ghost-Voice Auspex
XP Earned: 19,450
XP Spent: 19,100
XP Towards Rank: 19,100
XP Remaining: 350