Full Name: Serafina Catalin Xanatov Xan'Tai
Rank: Navigator Primaris
Gender: Female
Birthdate: (Age 19 at start of service with Lord Captain York)
Height: 6'0
Build: Spindly
Eyes: Solid black without iris
Hair: Once Copper, she's now completely hairless
Skin: Porcelain
Demeanour: Phlegmatic
Other noticeable features Long fingers formed into talons
Career: Navigator
Origin: Void-born
Birthright: Unnatural Origin (Tainted by the Warp)
Lure of the Void: Tainted (Mutant)
Trials and Travails: Darkness (Warp Incursion)
Motivation: Devotion (Duty)
Lineage: Witch-Born
Connections: Navis Nobilite
Public Reputation: Disdainful of those planet bound but if you can get beyond that point Astra appears to be quite sociable for a Navigator. Young but with a great deal of potential… and a great weight of expectation from her House.
Ship-board Reputation: Cold, unflappable and not anywhere near as crazy as she should be. She does seem to have a great deal of contempt for Chaos though and many feel the need to tread carefully around her if she just woke up.
A long tradition
Generations ago, when the Imperium took to the Void, Navigators have led the way between the stars. Among the Great Navigator Houses there are those that have forsaken any ties to sector or any kind of terrestrial holding, becoming instead true wanderers with vast fleets of ships to hold their families. The Xan'Tai are considered to be one of the Great Nomadic Houses but Astra's specific line in the family have a remarkable tendency to produce children particular potent or talented with the gene. Indeed, Astra is the youngest but not only Navigator within the ranks of her siblings.
Born to the Void
There can be no doubt that Serafina, as she was known until adolescence, stood out from the moment she was born onto the Ex Caelum. Most of her features can be written off as being one of the Void-born but, quite aside from her third eye gifted from carrying the Navigator gene, her other eyes are pools of pure darkness. Understandably this marked her out even alongside those of her peers equally blessed to follow the family tradition and thus many would consider her childhood a lonely. Left to herself but fully aware of the noble heritage she is expected to embody, the child simply became more and more engrossed with the Void. Even her family were surprised by quite how driven she is and secretly quite a few are wary of this potential protege.
Facing the Darkness
It may have been rivalry, or distrust, or even the talent she appears to possess but Astra joined the ranks of the Navis Nobilite while barely old enough to be released to it. While taking on her first position as a junior Navigator all of that skill was very swiftly put to the test when a problem with the Geller Field created a Warp Incursion. During the repairs Astra was impressed by the talent of one of the passenger's technical skills.
A ship to call her own
With the death of her former Lord Captain during the Warp Incursion, Astra and the former ship's pilot Crimson found themselves in Port Wander seeking new employment. Much to her surprise she bumped into Lupus Havelock who recognised her despite the years passed from their childhoods and through him found her way onto the Cleansing Light.
Weapon Skill: 34 Ballistic Skill: 48 Strength: 40 Toughness: 49 Agility: 44 - Unnatural Agility x2 Intelligence: 55 Perception: 49 Will Power: 60 Fellowship: 36
Fate: 4 Wounds: 12 Corruption: 7 Insanity: 2
General Skills: Awareness (+10), Ciphers (Nobilite), Deceive, Dodge (+10), Intimidate, Literacy, Navigation: Stellar, Navigation: Warp (+25), Pilot: Spacecraft (Basic), Psyniscience (+20), Trade: Astrographer
Languages: Ship Dialect, High Gothic, Low Gothic, Secret Tongue: Navigator, Secret Tongue: Rogue Trader
Lores: Common Lore: Navis Nobilite, Forbidden Lore: Warp, Forbidden Lore: Navigators, Scholastic Lore: Astromancy
Weapon Proficiencies: Melee Weapon (Primitive, Universal), Pistols (Universal), Exotic Weapon (Witchblade)
Peer: Nobility
Armour of Contempt: Reduce gained corruption by 1. WP Test, free action, to ignore affects of CP for 1 round.
Dark Soul: Half normal penalty for Malignancy Test
Disturbing Voice: +10 to Intimidate and Interrogation but -10 when acting in Non-threatening manner.
Jaded: Outrageous events, from death's horrific visage to xenos abominations, will not cause Insanity Points or Fear tests. Terrors of the Warp effect normally.
Light Sleeper: Always counts as alert if asleep for Awareness Tests and Surprise.
Meditation: 10 minutes uninterrupted, WP test to remove 1 Fatigue
Resistance (Fear / Psychic Powers): +10 to resist effects
Sound Constitution: Extra Wound x1
Talented (Psyniscience / Navigation (Warp)): +10 to relevant skill
Warp Sense: Use Psyniscience as Half Action
Hardy: Recover damage as if Lightly Wounded
Hatred (Daemons): +10 bonus to Weapon Skill
Paranoia: +2 Initiative
Special Abilities and Modifiers:
Charmed: When spending a Fate point, roll a 1d10. On a natural 9 the point is not lost.
Ill-omened: -5 Fellowship to interact with non-void born humans.
Void Accustomed: Immune to space travel sickness. Zero- or Low-gravity is not considered Difficult Terrain.
A Taste for the Warp: Spend a Fate Point to automatically succeed using a Navigator power.
Scorn of Dirt Dwellers: When on a planetary body and dealing with locals, suffer -10 on tests and skills using Fellowship.
Eyes as Dark as the Void Dark Sight: See in darkness.
Fingers like Talons: Natural Weapons: Never counts as unarmed, WS attack dealing 1d10+SB damage.
Strange Vitality: Regeneration: At the start of each turn in round, Toughness test removes 1 damage.
Disturbing Grace: Unnatural Agility x2
Navigator Powers:
Tracks in the Stars: (Novice) Track the warp trail of a ship
The Lidless Stare: (Novice) Energy weapon
The Eye is open: (Novice) Does not suffer Corruption Points from Warp Shock
Stack the Deck: (Novice) Add Int bonus x5 to Manoeuvre or single Ballistic test in ship combat - (-10) Per Test
Imolate the Soul: (Adept) 30 degree cone. Range, damage & special qualities of a Flamer. 2 additional wounds for every 10 Corruption Points. No fatigue or test to activate.
XP Earned: 15,800
XP Total Spent: 15,800
Character Creation
WS: 34 BS: 43 S: 35 T: 44 Ag: 44 Int: 45 Per: 39 WP: 50 Fel: 36
- Birthright - Unnatural Origin (Tainted by the Warp): 200xp
- Trials and Travails - Darkness (Warp Incursion): 100xp
- Motivation - Devotion (Duty): 100xp
- Lineage - Witch Born (Proven to be Pure): 100xp
Background XP - 1,000xp
- Intelligence Adv. 1: 100xp
- Perception Adv. 1: 100xp
- Will Power Adv. 1: 100xp
- Melee Weapon (Primitive): 100xp
- Resistance (Fear): 200xp
- Awareness: 100xp
- Ciphers (Nobilite Family): 100xp
- Secret Tongue (Navigator): 100xp
- Trade (Astrographer): 100xp
In Game
Session One - 500xp
- Intelligence Adv. 2: 250xp
- Ballistic Skill Adv. 1: 250xp
Session Two - 450xp
- Intimidate: 100xp
- Secret Tongue (Rogue Trader): 100xp
- Perception Adv. 2: 250xp
Session Three - 1,250xp
- Sound Constitution 1: 200xp
- Dodge: 200xp
- Navigation (Warp) +10: 200xp
- Psyscience +10: 200xp
- Navigator Power 1: 200xp - Stacking the Deck / Mutation: Regeneration
- Toughness Adv. 1: 250xp
Session Four - 700xp
- Warp Sense: 500xp
- Deceive: 200xp
Session Five - 1,300xp
- Awareness +10: 200xp
- Disturbing Voice: 200xp
- Meditation: 200xp
- Melee Weapon Training (Universal): 500xp
- Navigator Power: 200xp - Immolate the Soul / Mutation: Disturbing Grace
Session Six - 600xp to spend
- Hardy: 200xp
- Awareness: 200xp
- Psyniscience: 200xp
Session Seven - 1400xp to spend
- Forbidden Lore (Warp) +10
- Intimidate +10
- Forbidden Lore (Mutants)
- Scholastic Lore (Astromancy) +10
- Trade (Astrographer)
- Hatred (Daemons)
- Paranoia
Session Eight - 250xp to spend
Session Nine - 250xp to spend
Session Ten - 500xp to spend
- Exotic Weapon Training (Witchblade)
Session Eleven - 250xp to spend
Session Twelve - 350xp
- Peer (Nobility)
- Dodge +10
Session Thirteen
- Awareness +20
- Command
- Navigation (Surface)
Session Fourteen
- Improved Warp Sense: 500xp
Session Fifteen
- Weapon Skill Adv. 1: 500xp
Origin Path:
- Common Lore (Navis Nobilite)
- Forbidden Lore (Warp)
- Forbidden Lore (Warp) +10 - Talented Trait
- Forbidden Lore (Navigators)
- Language (High Gothic)
- Language (Low Gothic)
- Language (Ship Dialect)
- Literacy
- Navigation (Stellar)
- Navigation (Stellar) +10 - Mastery
- Navigation (Warp)
- Navigation (Warp) +10 - Talented Trait
- Psyniscience
- Scholastic Lore (Astromancy)
- A Taste for the Warp
- Armour of Contempt
- Charmed
- Dark Soul
- Ill-Omened
- Light Sleeper
- Navigator
- Weapon Training (Las) - Was Pistol (Universal)
- Resistance (Phychic Powers)
- Scorn of Dirt Dwellers
- Void Accustomed
Bought Skills
- Awareness 200
- Awareness +10 350
- Awareness +20 500
- Command 200
- Deceive 200
- Dodge 200
- Dodge +10 350
- Dodge +20 500
- Forbidden Lore (Deamonology) 200
- Forbidden Lore (Mutants) 200
- Interrogation 200
- Intimidate 200
- Intimidate +10 350
- Linguistics (Navis Nobilite) 200
- Linguistics (Rogue Trader) 200
- Navigation (Warp) +10 350
- Navigation (Warp) +20 500
- Navigation (Surface) 200
- Psyniscience +10 350
- Psyniscience +20 500
- Scholastic Lore (Astromancy) +10 350
- Trade (Astrographer) 200
- Trade (Astrographer) +10 350
- Stealth 200
- Acrobatics 200
Bought Characteristics
- Weapon Skill 1 250
- Weapon Skill 2 500
- Ballistic Skill 1 250
- Strength 1 250
- Toughness 1 250
- Toughness 2 500
- Toughness 3 750
- Intelligence 1 250
- Intelligence 2 500
- Perception 1 250
- Perception 2 500
- Willpower 1 250
- Willpower 2 500
Bought Talents
- Resistance (Fear) 250
- Sound Constitution 1 250
- Warp Sense 250
- Improved Warp Sense
- Disturbing Voice 250
- Meditation 250
- Weapon Training (Power) 250
- Hardy 500
- Hatred (Daemons) 500
- Paranoia 500
- Exotic Weapon Training (Witch Blade) 500
- Peer (Nobility) 250
- Double Team 250
- Lightning Reflexes 250
- Radiant Presence 250
- Step Aside 750
- Swift Attack 500
- Assasin Strike 750
Navigator Powers
- Tracks in the Stars - Starting
- The Lidless Stare - Starting
- Stacking the Deck 250
- Imolate the Soul 1 250
- Imolate the Soul 2 500
- Imolate the Soul 3 750
Edge of - to Harlock Clocktower